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Mariposa Signature es el perfume Mariposa preferido de las mujeres cubanas, el del frasco alto y la caja blanca. Pueden haber muchas versiones, pero esta es la fragancia original, la que estabas buscando y ahora encontraste. La concentración del perfume es del 20%. La fragancia se compra en Estados Unidos, el proveedor es una casa perfumista muy importante y reconocida en el mundo de la perfumería. El perfume se fabrica en Miami. El frasco y la caja son blancos, evocando el color de la Mariposa, nuestra flor nacional, la cual da nombre a este perfume. La tapa es dorada, grande, fuerte y poderosa, como la mujer cubana. Los acentos dorados de la presentación le dan un acabado elegante y fino, simbolizando la dulzura y ternura que se complementa a la perfección, con la personalidad guerrera y empoderada de nuestras mujeres. El perfume trae además, su propia bolsa de regalo, para que el producto no solo sirva para uso personal, sino que también pueda ser un excelente obsequio para cualquier ocasión.


Mariposa Signature is the favorite Mariposa perfume of Cuban women, the one with the tall bottle and the white box. There may be many versions, but this is the original fragrance, the one you were looking for and now you found. The concentration of the perfume is 20%. The fragrance is purchased in the United States, the supplier is a very important and recognized perfume house in the world of perfumery. The perfume is made in Miami. Mariposa Signature is the favorite Mariposa perfume of Cuban women, the one with the tall bottle and the white box. There may be many versions, but this is the original fragrance, the one you were looking for and now you found. The concentration of the perfume is 20%. The fragrance is purchased in the United States, the supplier is a very important and recognized perfume house in the world of perfumery. The perfume is made in Miami. The bottle and box are white, evoking the color of the Mariposa, our national flower, which gives its name to this perfume. The lid is golden, large, strong and powerful, like the Cuban woman. The golden accents of the presentation give it an elegant and fine finish, symbolizing the sweetness and tenderness that perfectly complements the warrior and empowered personality of our women. The perfume also comes with its own gift bag, so that the product not only serves for personal use, but can also be an excellent gift for any occasion.


Mariposa Signature Eau de Parfum for Women 100 mL - 3.3 Fl.Oz

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  • Mariposa Signature es el perfume Mariposa que has estado buscando. Pertenece a la familia olfativa floral frutal. Es una versión juvenil del Mariposa antiguo. La fragancia tiene una dulzura natural que no es abrumadora, sino suave y agradable. Sus notas de salida son verde frutal destacando  la bergamota y la manderina, este leve toque verde le añade frescura al aroma. Su corazón es completamente floral, con notas de azahar, jazmín, gardenias y lirios del valle. La mezcla cierra con notas de fondo de madera de sándalo, cedro y almizcle brillante, que le aporta un toque de sofisticación natural. Este perfume transmite frescura y pureza, alegría y vitalidad, el desenfado y la energía de la juventud. Aunque es delicada, la fragancia también tiene un aspecto sensual pero discreto. Ideal para quienes aprecian los aromas florales frescos y suaves.


    Mariposa Signature is the Mariposa perfume you have been looking for. It belongs to the floral-fruity olfactory family. It is a youth version of the old Mariposa. The fragrance has a natural sweetness that is not overpowering, but soft and pleasant. Its top notes are fruity green, highlighting bergamot and mandarin, this slight touch of green adds freshness to the aroma. Its heart is completely floral, with notes of orange blossom, jasmine, gardenias and lilies of the valley. The blend closes with base notes of sandalwood, cedar and bright musk, which gives it a touch of natural sophistication. This perfume transmits freshness and purity, joy and vitality, the ease and energy of youth. Although delicate, the fragrance also has a sensual but understated aspect. Ideal for those who appreciate fresh and soft floral aromas.

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